Mobile-friendly website design by Simtech Creative™ for Travelsate

Logo design, branding, marketing collateral, website design and hosting for Travelsate

What we did

  • Logo design
  • Brand guidelines
  • Copywriting
  • Branding
  • Marketing materials
  • UI/UX design
  • Website development
  • Cloud web hosting

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About Travelsate

Travelsate Multi Services Limited was founded in 2022 with a vision to achieve the excellence in service, quality and commitment in the field of travels and hospitality.

The company has steadily grown since its inception and today have a dedicated team of travel professionals, resources and hands on experience to guide you through the array of top-quality travel arrangements.

Client insight

Travelsate needed a versatile brand identity and user-friendly website to enable them to communicate their message to customers and partners, as well as attract new clients through an enriched digital experience.

The result

Travelsate Multi Services Limited now has a new brand identity, and a user-friendly website.

Their new brand identity is simple, distinct and versatile, which adapts to various background and applications, including digital and print.

The website we design for them is a progressive web app (PWA) - Fast, accessible, and secure website with bright and dark modes, installable on mobile/computer, and works across all browsers and devices.

The site is also optimized for Google Search and Bing Search to rank high and display rich results.

You can visit Travelsate's website -

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